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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Central Register of Beneficial Owners

All legal persons and legal entities established in Greece or carrying out a business activity taxed in Greece must register your beneficial owners. The initial registration and any amending declaration shall be made within 60 days of the entry in the tax register or of the change in the particulars respectively.

For tax registration or changes in beneficial ownership data up to and including 31.08.2022 debtors shall submit an initial or amending return respectively by 31h.10.2022. For entries or changes after 31h.10.2022 the deadline of 60 days applies.

The declaration is accessed by an authorised representative declared in Taxisnet. Information access is provided by 01h.11.2022 for the obligated persons and by 01h.12.2022 for the general public.

Service Information

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