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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Authorisation for transporter of type I live animals

You can apply for authorisation to transport vertebrate live animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians or fish) for economic activity in the EU, for journeys of more than 65 km and up to 8 hours, provided that:

  • you are based in Greece
  • have the necessary equipment
  • you and your staff have appropriate training in animal transport
  • you or your representative have not seriously infringed the provisions of Community or national legislation on the protection of animals over the past 3 years.

You will need:

  • your personal Taxisnet credentials.
  • attach the required supporting documents (see them in the “Detailed description” link)

Once the processing has been completed, you will see the Region’s reply to Your mailbox . The reply incorporates all the validity attributes of the gov.gr records (unique code, QR code, advanced electronic seal) and can be presented for any lawful use.

Gradually, all regions of Greece will be integrated.

Select a Region to continue:

Service Information

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