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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Apply for a position of president, deputy president, or member of scientific supervisory boards in Model and Experimental schools

You can apply  to fill vacant positions of the Scientific Supervisory Boards  (SSB) of Model Schools (MS) and Experimental Schools (ES) if you are:  

  • a faculty (Teaching and Research Staff, TRS) member of a Hellenic HEI in a field related to the sciences of education
  • an educator serving for a probationary period in a Model (MS) or Experimental school (ES)

The positions in the Scientific Supervisory Board  relate to:

  • that of the president and their deputies
  • that of the educator and their deputies

The applications are to be submitted from Monday 27/9/2021 until Wednesday 6/10/2021 at 15:00 hrs.  

The deadline for filing applications is extended until Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 15:00 hrs.

The deadline for filing objections in relation to posts as members of SSB (educators) elapses on Monday 18/10/2021 at 23:59 hrs.

The application platform for the positions of SSB presidents/deputy Presidents (University faculty members) will remain open until Thursday 10/21/21 at Monday 18/10/2021, at  23:59 hrs.

You will need:

  • University faculty members (TRS members),  the username and password of access to the application
    (these are provided after contacting the service by email at [email protected] )
  • if you are an educator, your personal access credentials to the Panhellenic School Network (PSN)
For more information, you can send an email to: [email protected].

Service Information

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